2016 Symposium Papers

2016 West Virginia Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium Papers

Waterfront Place Hotel, Morgantown, West Virginia
March 29 – 30, 2016


The New WVU Institute of Water Security and Science: Purposes and Directions – PresentationPaper
Jason Hubbart, WVU Institute of Water Security and Science (IWSS), Morgantown, WV

From Research to Remediation – 42 Years of AMD Hydrogeochemistry – Presentation | Paper
D. Kirk Nordstrom, USGS, Boulder, CO

Mine Site Reclamation Methods to Control Acid Generation in CanadaPresentation | Paper
Bruno Bussière, University of Quebec-Polytechnique Research Institute on Mines and the Environment (RIME), Rouyn-Noranda, Canada

2015-16 Legislative Issues on Mining, Reclamation and Water Quality – Presentation
Jason Bostic, West Virginia Coal Association, Charleston, WV

Mitigation of Acidic Mine Drainage from Abandoned Hardrock Mines in the Western US: A Colorado PerspectivePresentation | Paper
Linda Figueroa, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO

Update on Selenium Policies in West VirginiaPresentation | Paper
Ben Lowman, West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection, Charleston, WV

AMD in the Bolivian Altiplano: Unique Problems and Solutions – Presentation | Paper
Bill Strosnider and Tim Danehy, St. Francis University and BioMost, Loretto and Mars, PA

Acid Mine Drainage Sludge as a Potential Source of Rare Earth Elements – Presentation | Paper
Paul Ziemkiewicz, WVU, Morgantown, WV

Cost Reductions at Large Lime Treatment PlantsPresentation | Paper
Richard Beam, PA Department of Environmental Protection, Ebensburg, PA


Water Treatment at WV Bond Forfeiture SitesPresentation part 1 Presentation part 2 | Paper
Mike Sheehan and Paul Ziemkiewicz, WVDEP and WVU, Philippi and Morgantown, WV

Electrical Resistivity Imaging to Track Water Movement in Valley Fills – Paper
Erich Hester, VPI, Blacksburg, VA

Review of Passive Treatment Systems – Presentation | Paper
Jeff Skousen, Art Rose, Louis McDonald, and Paul Ziemkiewicz, West Virginia University and Penn State, Morgantown, WV and University Park, PA

AMD Treatment in the Cheat River and Deckers Creek – Presentation | Paper
Cody “Buck” Neely, Tim Danehy, David Petry, Nick Revetta, BioMost, Mars, PA

Performance of a Passive Treatment System over 20 Years in Tennessee – Presentation | Paper
Terry Schmidt, EarthRes Group, Inc., Pipersville, PA

Comparative Performance of Different Alkaline Addition Rates in Kinetic Leaching Test Results – Presentation | Paper
Ron Mullennex and Ankan Basu, Cardno, Inc., Bluefield, VA